Reveillón passado eu disse que 2009 ia ser o ano da colheita. Espero que seja, mesmo. E se eu entendesse de agricultura eu continuaria com uma grande metáfora sobre a importância de continuar plantando e sei lá mais o que, mas enfim. O que importa é que eu desejo um EXCELENTE ano pra todo mundo. E pra mim, inclusive. A partir de 21 de janeiro começa uma nova fase pra mim... Vou estar em Londres, desempregada, sem porra nenhuma pra fazer. Pelo menos começa também a nova temporada de Flight of the Conchords hahahaha... Enfim.
Vou testar aqui se esse treco de playlist funciona, com a minha playlist do reveillón.
Tirei a playlist daqui, porque ela começava a tocar automaticamente e tava me enchendo o saco, não gosto de site que toca sem a gente dar play.
terça-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2008
quarta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2008
Feliz natal!
Mais um em inglês, desculpem!
Merry Christmas to the friends in Philadelphia who are probably enjoying a snowy white Christmas. To the friends in London who are enjoying a wet, rainy one. To the ones in Rome, who I suppose must just be cold. To my friends in Turkey, Portugal, China, São Paulo, India, Greece, Israel, USA and everywhere else, with weathers of which I have no idea. And, of course, to the friends in Rio who, like me, will be enjoying a sweaty, hot, hot christmas. Hope everyone has a great time!!! Best wishes to all of my friends!
Resumindo: um feliz natal pra vocês todos, especialmente pros que vão passar o natal no calorzinho carioca, como eu. Essa música é pra gente! É só dar play, vale a pena. (eu sou péssima com essas coisas de podcast, não tinha ninguem online que pudesse me ajudar, mas acho que funcionou hehehe).
Merry Christmas to the friends in Philadelphia who are probably enjoying a snowy white Christmas. To the friends in London who are enjoying a wet, rainy one. To the ones in Rome, who I suppose must just be cold. To my friends in Turkey, Portugal, China, São Paulo, India, Greece, Israel, USA and everywhere else, with weathers of which I have no idea. And, of course, to the friends in Rio who, like me, will be enjoying a sweaty, hot, hot christmas. Hope everyone has a great time!!! Best wishes to all of my friends!
Resumindo: um feliz natal pra vocês todos, especialmente pros que vão passar o natal no calorzinho carioca, como eu. Essa música é pra gente! É só dar play, vale a pena. (eu sou péssima com essas coisas de podcast, não tinha ninguem online que pudesse me ajudar, mas acho que funcionou hehehe).
datas importantes,
quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2008
tonight we dine in Rio
Ontem no avião eu tive que escrever sobre o inferno terrestre que tava acontecendo em volta de mim, só que eu não queria que a mulher do meu lado conseguisse ler, então escrevi em inglês. Vou copiar e postar em inglês mesmo e foda-se, aí posso deixar isso pra trás e voltar à lingua da pátria mãe:
After sleeping for one hour (which would have been 40 minutes if I hadn't overused the snooze button), after the rush hour tube ride to Heathrow, after arriving in the airport to an overbooked flight and not knowing whether I would be able to board until 20 minutes before the flight was scheduled, after having to quickly rampage my luggage to take out 4 extra kilos, running through security, etc etc, finally everything seems alright. I have a seat on the aisle, one empty seat to my left by the window, it's on the front row so I have space for my legs, individual TV (gotta love British Airways), my fully-charged ipod, a new book and the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing the plane is going straight to Rio – not Lisbon, not Sao Paulo.
Then, the lady who is going to sit on the window to my left arrives, with a baby girl in her arms. Turns out she is the nanny for the family to my right, sitting accross the aisle: a 2-and-a-half-year-old boy who screams wildly, another baby girl (8-month old twin to the baby to my left), a mother who is clearly annoyed by everything the nanny says or does, and a bland-looking father in glasses. The mother refuses my helpful offer to switch places with the nanny so they be next to each other, saying it would be inconvenient for me, because once they open the little crib it would be difficult for me to leave my seat and go to the toilet. What she doesn't know is that I'm like a camel when I travel, and that the inconvenience ship had long sailed (and, obviously, the nanny will get up like 17 times during the flight, forcing me to get up too so she can squeeze by the crib). The baby starts crying, and the nanny smiles at me and says "poor thing! looks like you won't get much peace in this flight!". I laugh nervously and turn up the volume on my ipod as loud as I can.
The plane stays on the ground for two hours before taking off, while I bury myself in the book (which, thankfully, has nothing to do with babies, and is instead describing tantric sex with ostriches). To my right, the 2-year-old screams and pulls his mother's hair, who in return yells (to the husband, I presume): "Stop, him, Juliano! Do something, Juliano!! Hit him, Juliano!!!". As soon as the plane is in the air I recline my chair and sleep for an hour, out of sheer self-defense (although vertical sleeping SUCKS).
During the mealtime, I am forced to make conversation. I learn that the nanny, who is Brazilian, doesn't speak a word of english and is very uncomfortable with airplanes (as am I right now, for entirely different reasons). She stays in the house all day in London, where the family will live for the next four years, unable to adapt to the cold or the foreign language. I feel sad for her. For the rest of the flight, my sadness will transform into irritation, as I have to translate everything the fight attendants say, and help her fasten her seatbelt, unfasten her seatbelt, open the table tray, close it, recline her seat, etc etc. To my right, the baby twin starts crying. I can smell baby shit coming from my left. I am in hell.
The flight continued in what I can only assume was an elaborate 13-hour-long government-funded family-planning campaign. I can't possibly understand what happens to human beings that all of a sudden your life starts revolving around a tiny person's body secretions. Or, in this case, two tiny person's body secretions, and another very small person's sudden outbursts of noise and hair-pulling.
Later in the flight, of course, the boy starts running around and, as kids often do, makes a 2-year-old friend. They come over and stand to the aisle next to me. They look at the nanny and the baby to my left, look at me. The baby's brother has evil in his eyes, while the other (new) 2-year-old just looks at the baby with fascination. They look at me again. I decide not to make eye contact, terrified that it might encourage them to try and reach the baby and touch me with their sticky little hands. Their dads are standing in the aisle, their butts unpleasantly on my eye level, talking about the kids and cleaning their runny noses. The baby girl to my left os smelling bad again, while the nanny sings and does baby talk, while the baby to my right starts screaming and throwing stuff on the floor. The new little two-year-old gets a little toy car and sarts running it accross my arm, and the evil-looking one hands me a half-drooled paper cup, trying to touch it on my face. I PANICK. "Excuse me, I have to use the toilet!", and I hurry off. Arriving at the toilet, another overly-reproductive family is waiting at the door, with a desperate-looking mother trying in vain to control four kids between 3 and 9 who won't stop jumping. I wiggle by them in terror and rush to the toilet on the back of the plane. Once I am inside, I decide to stay in there hiding until the plane lands. However, minutes later a turbulence announcement tells me to go back to my seat. I reluctantly walk back to my seat.
It smells like baby shit. Again.
I do hope dinner in Rio is good.
Agora que eu parei de reclamar em inglês, posso comemorar que meu café da manhã foi excelente, e que aqui não tá frio.
Enfim, to no rio, fico um mês, beijosmeliguem!
After sleeping for one hour (which would have been 40 minutes if I hadn't overused the snooze button), after the rush hour tube ride to Heathrow, after arriving in the airport to an overbooked flight and not knowing whether I would be able to board until 20 minutes before the flight was scheduled, after having to quickly rampage my luggage to take out 4 extra kilos, running through security, etc etc, finally everything seems alright. I have a seat on the aisle, one empty seat to my left by the window, it's on the front row so I have space for my legs, individual TV (gotta love British Airways), my fully-charged ipod, a new book and the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing the plane is going straight to Rio – not Lisbon, not Sao Paulo.
Then, the lady who is going to sit on the window to my left arrives, with a baby girl in her arms. Turns out she is the nanny for the family to my right, sitting accross the aisle: a 2-and-a-half-year-old boy who screams wildly, another baby girl (8-month old twin to the baby to my left), a mother who is clearly annoyed by everything the nanny says or does, and a bland-looking father in glasses. The mother refuses my helpful offer to switch places with the nanny so they be next to each other, saying it would be inconvenient for me, because once they open the little crib it would be difficult for me to leave my seat and go to the toilet. What she doesn't know is that I'm like a camel when I travel, and that the inconvenience ship had long sailed (and, obviously, the nanny will get up like 17 times during the flight, forcing me to get up too so she can squeeze by the crib). The baby starts crying, and the nanny smiles at me and says "poor thing! looks like you won't get much peace in this flight!". I laugh nervously and turn up the volume on my ipod as loud as I can.
The plane stays on the ground for two hours before taking off, while I bury myself in the book (which, thankfully, has nothing to do with babies, and is instead describing tantric sex with ostriches). To my right, the 2-year-old screams and pulls his mother's hair, who in return yells (to the husband, I presume): "Stop, him, Juliano! Do something, Juliano!! Hit him, Juliano!!!". As soon as the plane is in the air I recline my chair and sleep for an hour, out of sheer self-defense (although vertical sleeping SUCKS).
During the mealtime, I am forced to make conversation. I learn that the nanny, who is Brazilian, doesn't speak a word of english and is very uncomfortable with airplanes (as am I right now, for entirely different reasons). She stays in the house all day in London, where the family will live for the next four years, unable to adapt to the cold or the foreign language. I feel sad for her. For the rest of the flight, my sadness will transform into irritation, as I have to translate everything the fight attendants say, and help her fasten her seatbelt, unfasten her seatbelt, open the table tray, close it, recline her seat, etc etc. To my right, the baby twin starts crying. I can smell baby shit coming from my left. I am in hell.
The flight continued in what I can only assume was an elaborate 13-hour-long government-funded family-planning campaign. I can't possibly understand what happens to human beings that all of a sudden your life starts revolving around a tiny person's body secretions. Or, in this case, two tiny person's body secretions, and another very small person's sudden outbursts of noise and hair-pulling.
Later in the flight, of course, the boy starts running around and, as kids often do, makes a 2-year-old friend. They come over and stand to the aisle next to me. They look at the nanny and the baby to my left, look at me. The baby's brother has evil in his eyes, while the other (new) 2-year-old just looks at the baby with fascination. They look at me again. I decide not to make eye contact, terrified that it might encourage them to try and reach the baby and touch me with their sticky little hands. Their dads are standing in the aisle, their butts unpleasantly on my eye level, talking about the kids and cleaning their runny noses. The baby girl to my left os smelling bad again, while the nanny sings and does baby talk, while the baby to my right starts screaming and throwing stuff on the floor. The new little two-year-old gets a little toy car and sarts running it accross my arm, and the evil-looking one hands me a half-drooled paper cup, trying to touch it on my face. I PANICK. "Excuse me, I have to use the toilet!", and I hurry off. Arriving at the toilet, another overly-reproductive family is waiting at the door, with a desperate-looking mother trying in vain to control four kids between 3 and 9 who won't stop jumping. I wiggle by them in terror and rush to the toilet on the back of the plane. Once I am inside, I decide to stay in there hiding until the plane lands. However, minutes later a turbulence announcement tells me to go back to my seat. I reluctantly walk back to my seat.
It smells like baby shit. Again.
I do hope dinner in Rio is good.
Agora que eu parei de reclamar em inglês, posso comemorar que meu café da manhã foi excelente, e que aqui não tá frio.
Enfim, to no rio, fico um mês, beijosmeliguem!
mau humor,
rio de janeiro,
sábado, 13 de dezembro de 2008
animaizinhos solúveis
Georginho, o meu querido flatmate, resolveu comprar Sea Monkeys. (Pesquisamos na internet, e o nome em português é "Kikos Marinhos"). Cara. Sea Monkeys!! Nem sei por onde começar!..
Vejam bem, Eu adoro animaizinhos, todo mundo sabe disso. Eu quero gatinhos, cachorros, porcos-espinhos (ou seja lá qual for o plural disso), coalas, raposas, pinguins, tatus, bebês-foca e mais uma porrada de coisinhas fofas do mundo animal. Só que Sea Monkeys não se encaixam no perfil.
Pra quem não sabe o que é essa parada: foi uma febre nos anos 70, aparentemente (quer dizer, a única coisa que eu gostei nesse bicho foi a áura retrô). Vinha anunciado em revistinhas em quadrinhos, e você pedia pelo correio, e recebia uma caixa com o aquário e três pacotinhos: o purificador de água, a comida do bicho, e os ovinhos em pó. Sim. Isso mesmo. Os ovinhos em pó.
As embalagens do bicho já são o suficiente pra uns 20 posts de qualquer blog. A nossa, por exemplo, exibia atrás a cruel frase: "now you will never feel lonely again." Depois explicava, em letras menores, que quando você mostrasse pros seus coleguinhas que você tem Sea Monkeys e sabe vários fatos divertidos sobre eles, eles todos te achariam legal e viriam conversar com você. Provavelmente pra não serem processados depois que a criança percebesse que os Sea Monkeys não chegam a ser uma companhia muito interessante. Também dão a impressão de que os bichos são bem mais fofinhos e interessantes do que na realidade, mostrando eles meio humanóides num desenho tipo cartoon. Na verdade, são uns crustáceos pré-históricos usados como comida de peixe em lojas de animais. O aquário parece um Aquaplay (botei a foto de um embaixo, mas o nosso é azul). Ainda tem o bônus, ele vem com um chaveirinho-aquário, onde vc pode botar um dos bichinhos e levar com você, que nem um tamagotchi. Ah, e tudo são marcas registradas: SEA MONKEYS®. INSTANT PETS® (JURO, Instant Pets).
Eu confesso que fiquei meio surtada e com mega nojo do bicho – um ovo de crustáceo que vem em pó e se desenvolve na água, dentro da MINHA CASA?? Fiquei de frescura e proibi o menino de abrir o pacote na cozinha, e de entrar com eles na cozinha, e de mencionar a existência deles na cozinha. E eu tava meio tendo visões apocalípticas deles caindo em uma pocinha de água, desenvolvendo uma mutação louca, emergindo de lá, me matando enquanto eu durmo e destruindo Tóquio.
Então! Depois de purificar a água durante 24 horas, foi o momento da verdade: fomos todos para a sala (eu, George e meu amigo Leo, que tava hospedado aqui). Apontamos uma lâmpada para o aquário-aquaplay, abrimos o pacotinho dos ovos e jogamos dentro da água... e... TCHAN TCHARAAAAAN!!!, foi a coisa mais anticlímax do mundo. Não aconteceu absolutamente nada. As instruções, segundo o George, davam a entender que era tipo uma sopa instantânea, era só botar que eles sairiam nadando e fazendo malabarismos.
Já se passaram 4 dias, e nada dos bichos nascerem.
A essa altura, já decidimos que se ou quando eles nascerem, vamos comprar um peixinho dourado e dar os Kikos Marinhos de comida pra eles.
Vejam bem, Eu adoro animaizinhos, todo mundo sabe disso. Eu quero gatinhos, cachorros, porcos-espinhos (ou seja lá qual for o plural disso), coalas, raposas, pinguins, tatus, bebês-foca e mais uma porrada de coisinhas fofas do mundo animal. Só que Sea Monkeys não se encaixam no perfil.
Pra quem não sabe o que é essa parada: foi uma febre nos anos 70, aparentemente (quer dizer, a única coisa que eu gostei nesse bicho foi a áura retrô). Vinha anunciado em revistinhas em quadrinhos, e você pedia pelo correio, e recebia uma caixa com o aquário e três pacotinhos: o purificador de água, a comida do bicho, e os ovinhos em pó. Sim. Isso mesmo. Os ovinhos em pó.
As embalagens do bicho já são o suficiente pra uns 20 posts de qualquer blog. A nossa, por exemplo, exibia atrás a cruel frase: "now you will never feel lonely again." Depois explicava, em letras menores, que quando você mostrasse pros seus coleguinhas que você tem Sea Monkeys e sabe vários fatos divertidos sobre eles, eles todos te achariam legal e viriam conversar com você. Provavelmente pra não serem processados depois que a criança percebesse que os Sea Monkeys não chegam a ser uma companhia muito interessante. Também dão a impressão de que os bichos são bem mais fofinhos e interessantes do que na realidade, mostrando eles meio humanóides num desenho tipo cartoon. Na verdade, são uns crustáceos pré-históricos usados como comida de peixe em lojas de animais. O aquário parece um Aquaplay (botei a foto de um embaixo, mas o nosso é azul). Ainda tem o bônus, ele vem com um chaveirinho-aquário, onde vc pode botar um dos bichinhos e levar com você, que nem um tamagotchi. Ah, e tudo são marcas registradas: SEA MONKEYS®. INSTANT PETS® (JURO, Instant Pets).
Eu confesso que fiquei meio surtada e com mega nojo do bicho – um ovo de crustáceo que vem em pó e se desenvolve na água, dentro da MINHA CASA?? Fiquei de frescura e proibi o menino de abrir o pacote na cozinha, e de entrar com eles na cozinha, e de mencionar a existência deles na cozinha. E eu tava meio tendo visões apocalípticas deles caindo em uma pocinha de água, desenvolvendo uma mutação louca, emergindo de lá, me matando enquanto eu durmo e destruindo Tóquio.
Então! Depois de purificar a água durante 24 horas, foi o momento da verdade: fomos todos para a sala (eu, George e meu amigo Leo, que tava hospedado aqui). Apontamos uma lâmpada para o aquário-aquaplay, abrimos o pacotinho dos ovos e jogamos dentro da água... e... TCHAN TCHARAAAAAN!!!, foi a coisa mais anticlímax do mundo. Não aconteceu absolutamente nada. As instruções, segundo o George, davam a entender que era tipo uma sopa instantânea, era só botar que eles sairiam nadando e fazendo malabarismos.
Já se passaram 4 dias, e nada dos bichos nascerem.
A essa altura, já decidimos que se ou quando eles nascerem, vamos comprar um peixinho dourado e dar os Kikos Marinhos de comida pra eles.

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